Thursday, August 15, 2013

I run like a gazelle.


It occurred to me about 16 miles into our 18 mile run.  I run like a gazelle.  It's true.  If you look it up, and find out what a gazelle looks like while running, and compare it to a video of me running, you may not quite see the resemblance.  I identify with the gazelle in a completely different way.

I am that gazelle.  The one who is just slightly behind the group.  The one who the lion would zero in on and cut off from the herd.  The one who would be taken down by the predator.

It's OK.  I'm good with it.  I feel good about being able to keep up with my running mates, even if it's just barely at times.  And considering we are pretty far from the savannah, I'm fairly certain that there are no lions running loose around here. I may be that gazelle, but I'm a gazelle nevertheless.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm right there with you at the back of the herd. Haha. We can be THAT kind of gazelle together. ;)
